Certificate of appreciation from Saga Prefecture (English follows)
PBV は、昨年8月に佐賀県にて発生した水害支援のため、佐賀県大町町にて活動しました。その活動を評価いただき、佐賀県庁にて開催された知事感謝状贈呈式にご招待いただきました。

また資金面からご支援頂いているお互いさまサポーター、サポート会員、継続してご支援頂いている個人の皆様をはじめ、今回は電鉄通商、主イエス教会、ラッシュジャパン、ステートレス、真如苑など法人の皆さまからの寄付や、ジャパン・プラットフォーム、READYFOR×中央共募、 Yahoo!ネット募金、Benevity、信頼資本財団を通じた寄付や助成を受けて活動を行っております。

We are very honored to be awarded a letter of appreciation from the Governor of Saga Prefecture this morning. Yasuhiro Ueshima, the secretary-general of the Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) attended the ceremony on behalf of the team.
Since August last year, PBV has carried out relief programs in Omachi-cho, Saga Prefecture to support the communities affected by the floods. In recognition of our activities, PBV was invited to the Governor’s Certificate of Appreciation presentation ceremony held at the Saga Prefectural Government this morning. The ceremony was attended by 42 organizations, including the local fire department, private firms, non-profit organizations, and volunteer groups from both in the prefecture and outside. Each certificate carried different messages to highlight the significance of each organization’s activity. The certificate to the PBV reads that the team provided support with a close commitment to the affected residents.
Saga Prefecture was hit by the disaster in the middle of the recovery process from the flooding two years ago, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic posed additional challenges to the affected communities.
PBV has been working in cooperation with local residents, NPOs, social welfare councils, cooperatives, businesses, and the government to help the evacuees at home and those in evacuation centers. Taking this opportunity, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our donors and supporters for their generous contributions. We seek your continued support for our efforts in the future.
Thank you very much!