Aug 2018


[Flooding in Western Japan] Call for International Volunteers

  Western Japan was hit by historic rainfall in July 2018, leading to the deadliest storm-related disaster in the past 36 years. Heavy rains triggered flooding, landslides, and mudslides simultaneously, and claimed lives of over 200 people in the region.  In response to the worst storm-related disaster in the Heisei era, Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center (PBV) has launched relief activities in the affected area. Prolonged evacuation at the emergency shelters and cleaning of damaged houses that had been flooded to the second floor have been an enormous physical and emotional burden to the local residents. PBV has been supporting the management of emergency shelters and local disaster volunteer centers, […]

Jul 2018


Emergency Response: Japan Floods 2018 [Update]

Western Japan was hit by historic rainfall in late June/early July 2018, leading to the deadliest storm-related disaster in the past 36 years. Heavy rains triggered flooding, landslides, and mudslides that claimed hundreds of lives, devastated entire communities, and forced many people to leave their homes. Okayama, Hiroshima and Ehime prefectures are thought to be the worst affected; the total number of damaged homes in these areas alone stands at 18,000. 1 week since the disaster, there is still disruption to lifelines such as water, gas, and electricity supply, and some public transportation is still non-operational. Additionally, a heat wave is affecting some of the flood-affected areas, complicating matters further […]

Jul 2018


Emergency Response: Flooding in Western Japan

Much of western Japan, including Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Saga, Hiroshima, Okayama, Hyogo, Kyoto, and Gifu Prefectures, has been hit by historic rainfall. Several areas have been impacted by flooding and landslides that have claimed lives, devastated entire communities, and forced many people to evacuate from their homes. PBV is currently working closely with partner organisations and relevant agencies to gather as much information as possible about the situation on the ground. After conducting a rapid needs assessment, PBV will implement a comprehensive response to support survivors, in collaboration with local community and government groups. We would greatly appreciate your involvement and support in helping those affected by the flooding in western Japan. […]

Jul 2017


Northern Kyushu Flooding and Landslides: Emergency Response

Record-setting rainfall since July 5, 2017, has hit the northern part of Kyushu, centered on Fukuoka and Oita prefectures. This unprecedented amount of rain has caused massive flooding over wide areas, and landslides.   Heavy rain continues to fall intermittently in affected areas, roads have been flooded, and homes severely damaged. Hardest hit include the mountainous areas of Fukuoka and Oita prefectures, and the Disaster Relief Act will apply to these areas as enormous damage has been reported. Overall, the full scale of damage is yet to be determined, but there are areas where utilities have completely stopped, and many residents have been forced to evacuate. As of July 6, […]

Feb 2017


Haiti: Emergency Response Phase 2

On 4th October 2016, Hurricane Matthew struck Haiti, leaving a trail of destruction across the island nation. The hurricane brought about the country’s most severe humanitarian crisis since the 2010 earthquake. In the weeks and months following the disaster, there was a spike in cholera, diarrhea, and other water-related illnesses. One of the reasons for this is that many sanitation and water systems were destroyed, leading to contamination of water sources. Having consulted with local partners and gathered extensive information from UN agencies and other credible sources, PBV identified this need and decided to launch a phase 2 project focusing on clean water and community sanitation. Following on from the […]

Jan 2017


Haiti Emergency Response: Launch of Phase Two

On 4th October 2016, Hurricane Matthew struck the Republic of Haiti, leaving a trail of destruction across the island nation. The hurricane brought about the country’s most severe humanitarian crisis since the 2010 earthquake, causing loss of life, extensive flooding and mudslides, damage to critical infrastructure, and devastation to agriculture and other sources of livelihood. PBV launched emergency response operations in Haiti in the weeks following Hurricane Matthew, providing assistance to communities in Jeremie, one of the most severely impacted areas on the country’s coastline. Please see a full report of PBV’s Phase One Project via the link below: Haiti: Hurricane Matthew Emergency Response Phase One Project Report (PDF) ===================== […]

Nov 2016


Haiti Emergency Response: Phase One Complete

PBV began gathering information and contacting local partners immediately after Hurricane Matthew struck the Caribbean region in the first week of October 2016. During the week of 17th October, PBV established a formal partnership for Hurricane Matthew Emergency Response New York-based nonprofit, World Cares Center, with whom PBV partnered to respond to Hurricane Sandy in the USA in 2012/2013. Emergency Response Operations A PBV staff member departed for the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince with Lisa Orloff, Founder and Executive Director of World Cares Center, arriving in the morning of 29th October. After liaising with local staff and preparing emergency supplies, PBV and World Cares Center departed for Jeremie, approximately 280km drive […]

Apr 2016


Kumamoto Earthquake: Emergency Response

Between 14th and 16th April 2016, several strong earthquakes struck Kumamoto Prefecture, located on the island of Kyushu, Japan. The strong tremors have caused loss of life, resulted in thousands of injuries, and damaged critical infrastructure across the area. Over 400 aftershocks have been recorded since the initial 6.4-magnitude earthquake which struck Kumamoto on 14th April at 21:26 local time. As of 17th April, there were reportedly over 100,000 evacuees in Kumamoto City, and more than 700 emergency shelters have been activated in and around the area. Many people continue to stay in shelters or sleep in their cars due to the threat of ongoing tremors. PBV began to gather information and contact […]

Sep 2015


Emergency Response: Floods in Japan Update

PBV has launched emergency relief operations in response to the flooding which has affected parts of Japan in the past week. Described as a “once-in-50-years” event, exceptionally heavy rains caused by Typhoon Etau have severely impacted communities across Ibaraki, Miyagi and Tochigi Prefectures. Flooding and landslides which occurred on 10th September claimed lives and damaged thousands of homes. The Flooding in Figures Flooding above floor-level (床上浸水): 7,093 houses Flooding below floor-level (床下浸水): 11,688 houses Evacuation Centres established: 56 centres Number of Evacuees: 2,744 people (Source: Cabinet Office, as of 16th September 2015) On 11th September, PBV dispatched an advanced team to the affected areas to conduct a rapid needs assessment and coordinate with […]

Sep 2015


Emergency Response: Flooding In Ibaraki, Miyagi & Tochigi Prefectures

PBV has launched emergency relief operations in response to the flooding that has affected Ibaraki, Miyagi and Tochigi Prefectures in Japan. Described as a “once-in-50-years” event, exceptionally heavy rains caused by Typhoon Etau have left a wake of destruction across the three Prefectures. Flooding and landslides which occurred on 10th September have claimed lives and damaged or destroyed thousands of homes. On 11th September, PBV dispatched an advanced team to the affected areas to conduct a rapid needs assessment and coordinate with other organisations on the ground. Please donate to support those affected by this disaster. English-language Donations Page: http://pbv.or.jp/donate/201509_suigai/english.html Japanese-language Donations Page: http://pbv.or.jp/donate/201509_suigai (Photo taken during flood response in Japan, 2014)

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