Nov 2018


Season of Giving: New Donation Method and Call for Volunteers

We are pleased to announce that Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center (PBV) has now been registered to Benevity, an international online platform facilitating employee engagement and corporate donations. If your company is planning to organize fundraising events for charities this holiday season, you may want to utilize the fund to support those affected by disasters in Japan and overseas. PBV is currently working on relief activities in Okayama (severely damaged by flooding and heavy rain in July), Hokkaido (damaged by the earthquake in September) and Sulawesi (damaged by the earthquake and tsunami in September). At PBV, we work closely with the local organizations and community groups based in the […]

Nov 2018

Family evacuated to a primary school classroom. This lady gave birth to a baby just two days after the eruption (photo by Joel Dardon)

Updates on Support to Communities affected by the Mt. Fuego Volcanic Eruption in Guatemala

On June 3, 2018, the volcano Mt. Fuego in Guatemala erupted and caused catastrophic damage to the surrounding areas, including the loss of lives. Our partner organization in the country, MINNASAN, which works for poverty reduction and provision of learning opportunities for children, contacted us to seek assistance. Shortly after this communication, the Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center (PBV) decided to support the people affected by the eruption, and launched a fundraising project to assist the relief efforts conducted by MINNASAN. Here is a summary report from our partner, MINNASAN. The eruption of Mt. Fuego in June of this year affected thousands of people. Thanks to the support we received […]

Oct 2018


[Flooding in Western Japan] Helping Hands Beyond Borders and Nationalities

During the weekend from 5th to 8th October, four volunteers from Spain, the US, and Canada participated in relief activities led by the house preservation team in Mabicho, Kurashiki city, Okayama prefecture. Despite having never previously visited Okayama, or been involved in disaster relief work in Japan, their urge to help those affected by the disaster guided them to Okayama. As well as members who have lived here for some time, the relief activities were joined by a traveler on a temporary visit, and an exchange student who arrived less than two weeks ago. Their participation really surprised and impressed us! The team and other volunteers engaged in cleaning two […]

Oct 2018


Emergency Response: 2018 Slawesi Earthquake and Tsunami

On 28th September, 2018 (Friday), an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 struck island of Slawesi, Indonesia. According to an announcement by the Indonesian Government, the earthquake and tsunami caused severe destruction, and over 1,500 people are confirmed to have lost their lives (as of 5th October). Number of people who are left homeless has reached to more than 70,000. The full scale of the earthquake and tsunami’s devastation has yet to be confirmed. We have received reports from the local support groups that many residents are left homeless without access to communication and lifeline, facing a great shortage of daily needs. To respond to the emergency situation, Peace Boat […]

Sep 2018


[Flood in Western Japan] Call for International Volunteers_October

  Western Japan was hit by historic rainfall in July 2018, leading to the deadliest storm-related disaster in the past 36 years. Heavy rains triggered flooding, landslides, and mudslides simultaneously, and claimed lives of over 200 people in the region.  In response to the worst storm-related disaster in the Heisei era, Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center (PBV) has launched relief activities in the affected area. Prolonged evacuation at the emergency shelters and cleaning of damaged houses that had been flooded to the second floor have been an enormous physical and emotional burden to the local residents. PBV has been supporting the management of emergency shelters and local disaster volunteer centers, […]

Sep 2018


Emergency Response: 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake

An earthquake measuring 7 (out of 7) on the Japanese seismic intensity scale occurred in the early morning of September 6, 2018, resulting in a large-scale blackout and causing massive damage from landslides and liquefaction. In order to provide support for people and areas affected by the earthquake, Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center (PBV) dispatched trained and experienced staff to the affected area on September 8 to carry out an initial disaster assessment, and has been cooperating closely with related groups and relief organizations. Our immediate goal is to be able to quickly provide support for people in the areas affected most by the earthquake—Atsumi, Abira, and Mukawa towns. We […]

Aug 2018


[Flooding in Western Japan] Call for International Volunteers

  Western Japan was hit by historic rainfall in July 2018, leading to the deadliest storm-related disaster in the past 36 years. Heavy rains triggered flooding, landslides, and mudslides simultaneously, and claimed lives of over 200 people in the region.  In response to the worst storm-related disaster in the Heisei era, Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center (PBV) has launched relief activities in the affected area. Prolonged evacuation at the emergency shelters and cleaning of damaged houses that had been flooded to the second floor have been an enormous physical and emotional burden to the local residents. PBV has been supporting the management of emergency shelters and local disaster volunteer centers, […]

Jul 2018


Emergency Response: Japan Floods 2018 [Update]

Western Japan was hit by historic rainfall in late June/early July 2018, leading to the deadliest storm-related disaster in the past 36 years. Heavy rains triggered flooding, landslides, and mudslides that claimed hundreds of lives, devastated entire communities, and forced many people to leave their homes. Okayama, Hiroshima and Ehime prefectures are thought to be the worst affected; the total number of damaged homes in these areas alone stands at 18,000. 1 week since the disaster, there is still disruption to lifelines such as water, gas, and electricity supply, and some public transportation is still non-operational. Additionally, a heat wave is affecting some of the flood-affected areas, complicating matters further […]

Jul 2018


Emergency Response: Flooding in Western Japan

Much of western Japan, including Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Saga, Hiroshima, Okayama, Hyogo, Kyoto, and Gifu Prefectures, has been hit by historic rainfall. Several areas have been impacted by flooding and landslides that have claimed lives, devastated entire communities, and forced many people to evacuate from their homes. PBV is currently working closely with partner organisations and relevant agencies to gather as much information as possible about the situation on the ground. After conducting a rapid needs assessment, PBV will implement a comprehensive response to support survivors, in collaboration with local community and government groups. We would greatly appreciate your involvement and support in helping those affected by the flooding in western Japan. […]

Jun 2018


Two Years Since the Kumamoto Earthquake, The State of Kumamoto

We visited Kumamoto two years after the Kumamoto earthquake.                       In April 2016, Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center (PBV) dispatched staff to the disaster site from April 16 immediately after the main shock occurred. and started disaster relief work. Until the end of December we carried out eight projects in Kumamoto city, Mashiki, Nishihara village and Minamiaso village, among others. One of the projects that we took part in was a request from Mashiki town office to support the evacuation shelters and the management of shelters by residents and administrative officials at Grand Messe Kumamoto and Hiroyasu Elementary School. […]