Jul 2020


July 2020 Torrential Rains: PBV’s Relief Projects Launched

Record-breaking downpours since July 3rd 2020 have caused devastating and widespread damage throughout Japan, including the Kyushu region. Flooding and landslides have been reported and it is likely that more time will be required to grasp the entire scope of the damages. Please stay safe as heavy rains are still ongoing in some regions. Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) has been concerned about the combination of a natural disaster with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, the residents affected by the widespread disaster have been facing enormous challenges. PBV is implementing relief projects with Kyushu-based organizations with whom we have collaborated in past relief efforts. As an initial response, hygiene and […]

Jul 2020


Call for Donations: Emergency Relief for Torrential Rains and Flooding in Kyushu 2020

Since July 3, 2020, record torrential rains have continued mainly in Kumamoto and other prefectures in Kyushu. Heavy rain emergency warnings have been issued in several prefectures in southern and western parts of the Japanese archipelago. The rains have been causing large-scale flood damage and landslides in many parts of the affected regions. Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) has been in close communication (via online) with Kumamoto Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (KVOAD), Kumamoto Prefectural Council of Social Welfare, Japan Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (JVOAD) and other relief agencies to gather information of the damage situations and updates on the ongoing relief efforts. Due to the risk of COVID-19 […]

Jul 2020


Call for Donations: Emergency Fund for Disaster Relief Programs amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

Summer in Japan is the season when rain and storm-related disasters frequently occur across the country, including flooding, land slides and strong winds. Your help is needed to continue ongoing efforts and aid Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) in delivering new programs. COVID-19 adds a new threat to this already dangerous season as affected areas may be at greater risk of contracting the disease. During this difficult time, PBV continues the ongoing relief activities and prepares for the future disasters while implementing preventive measures against contagions. PBV has launched an emergency fund to support disaster response while continuing ongoing projects in communities affected by typhoons last year. We are indeed […]

Jul 2020


After the bushfires in Australia: PBV’s support to the First Nations communities

In late 2019, bushfires in Australia escalated into an unprecedented scale. As covered in the media, the fires burnt down massive areas of the states of New South Wales, Victoria and other areas in the continent, resulting in loss of lives of residents and fire-fighting volunteers, as well as enormous damage to fauna, flora, and personal and community properties. Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) put out a call for donations to respond to these deadly bushfires in Australia. Donations raised across Japan In the four months from January until the end of April, more than 100 individuals, schools, companies and other organizations in Japan and overseas responded to our call […]

Jun 2020


Updates on Typhoon Hagibis Relief: New Grant Awarded for Projects in Iwaki and Chiba

Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) is excited to announce the award of a typhoon Hagibis relief grant from a US-based organization, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, to support our ongoing recovery efforts in the Iwaki, Fukushima prefecture and the southern Chiba region. As previously shared on this news section and on our Facebook page, we have been working in the two areas affected by the typhoon since October 2019. Up until this spring, we had worked with hundreds of volunteers who came over to the project sites and lent a helping hand to rebuild communities and regain livelihoods in Iwaki and southern Chiba. We have implemented diverse projects, such as […]

Apr 2020


Activity Summary: Typhoon Relief in Iwaki, Fukushima

A team from Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) set up a base in Iwaki city, Fukushima to support those affected by Typhoon Hagibis (No. 19) on October 2019. A wide range of relief activities have been implemented by PBV since October 14. Some of the activities have been completed while other projects have been handed over to the local residents. The PBV base in Iwaki was closed at the end of March, but we will continue our relief efforts through regular visits. Through PBV, 175 volunteers participated in various activities over the course of 170 days. Taking this opportunity, we would like to thank all the volunteers for their hard […]

Dec 2019


Typhoon Relief in Iwaki: Project period extended and more volunteers sought

Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) has been in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, to support those affected by Typhoon No. 19 (Hagibis). We have been working on various projects, including cleaning of houses, hot-meal distribution, operational support at the local disaster volunteer center and supporting the evacuation center. Out activities have been supported by many volunteers who came from all over Japan, as well as from overseas. We appreciate their help in delivering support to those in need. More than two months have passed since the typhoon, but many residents are still having difficult life. More than 150 residents are still at the evacuation centers in Iwaki city alone, and many of other […]

Dec 2019


Planning a Year-end Clean-up? Donate Your Unwanted Items and Support the People in Need

Did you know that there is a way to clean up your house and make a donation at the same time? Otakara Aid and Value Books offer a service to pick up your unwanted items and donate their cash value to the Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV). If you have any unwanted items in the list below, simply pack them up and send them to the designated addresses. They will be evaluated, and the value of the goods will be donated to the PBV. Your donation will be used to support relief activities carried out by PBV. Items that can be donated: Otakara Aid (お宝エイド) :Postal stamps, post cards (unused/unposted […]

Dec 2019


Typhoon Hagibis Situation Update: Relief activities in Iwaki

It has been two months since the occurrence of a large-scale destruction caused by Typhoon Hagibis (No. 19). Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) has been carrying out relief projects in Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture for nearly 60 days. As time passes, more accurate details of the damage have been unveiled. According to a recent assessment, the number of houses damaged by the storm reaches over 9000 in Iwaki city alone. The media coverage on the disaster is surprisingly low, considering that it is one of the worst disasters in Japan since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. While so little is mentioned in national news, local people’s struggle for recovery […]

Dec 2019


It’s Giving Tuesday! 

This year, once again, many parts of Japan have experienced disasters, especially flooding and storms, resulting in large-scale destruction. This year, the Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) has carried out emergency relief projects across Japan, including Saga Prefecture (heavy rains in July), Chiba Prefecture (Typhoons 15 and 19) and Fukushima Prefecture (Typhoon 19 and heavy rains caused by Typhoon 21), and we are also engaged in a relief project in Mozambique to support those affected by Cyclone Idai. If you are considering making a contribution to a charity this holiday season, supporting those affected by such disasters through the PBV may be a great option to leverage your contribution. Your […]