Mar 2022


All for Ukraine: Street Fundraising Campaign Launched!

Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) set up an emergency relief fund last week to support those affected by the war in Ukraine. Together with NGO Peace Boat, we have started a fundraising campaign for a Romania-based NGO, Peace Action Training and Research Institute of Romania (PATRIR), which has been tirelessly providing support to refugees from Ukraine and coordinating humanitarian assistance in Romania since the beginning of the crisis. NGO Peace Boat has regional centers in five different cities across Japan, and each center is hosting street fundraising campaigns to support the PATRIR’s humanitarian programs. The first to kick-off the program was Peace Boat Center Fukuoka, located in the largest city […]

Mar 2022


All for Ukraine Emergency Relief Fund Launched

On February 24, 2022, the Russian military invasion of Ukraine began, and military attacks by missiles and other weapons have been carried out in several cities in Ukraine. Many civilians, including children, have been killed. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), at least 930,000 citizens have fled to neighboring countries including Poland, Hungary, and Romania in search of safety, and more than 100,000 people have been internally displaced in Ukraine (as of March 2, 2022). The people who are fleeing the war and being deprived of their daily lives are in great need of support. Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV), together with the NGO Peace Boat, […]

Feb 2022


Certificate of appreciation from Saga Prefecture

We are very honored to be awarded a certificate of appreciation from the Governor of Saga Prefecture. Yasuhiro Ueshima, the secretary-general of the Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) attended the ceremony held on February 4th, 2022, on behalf of the PBV team. Since August last year, PBV has carried out relief programs in Omachi-cho, Saga Prefecture to support the communities affected by the floods. In recognition of our activities, PBV was invited to the Governor’s Certificate of Appreciation presentation ceremony held at the Saga Prefectural Government. The ceremony was attended by 42 organizations, including the local fire department, private firms, non-profit organizations, and volunteer groups from both in the prefecture […]

Jan 2022


Sign up now for Disaster Preparedness Workshop (January 16th, 2022)

Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) has been organizing a series of disaster preparedness workshops for international residents in Tokyo since October 2021. We are happy to announce that this year again, we are organizing workshops for the international communities in Tokyo. Read a short report from the last workshop held in December and register for the January session! On December 5th, 2021, we hosted two earthquake preparedness workshops for the international community. The first workshop was held in simplified Japanese and had participants from China and Belgium. Participants were given interactive activities to demonstrate how being mindful of their current living situations can help them consciously develop a plan if […]

Jan 2022


New Year’s Greetings 2022

Happy New Year 2022! Thanks to your generous support and cooperation during the past year, we have been able to carry on our support for the affected areas both in Japan and abroad even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic which has been ongoing since 2020. We would like to thank each of you from the bottom of our hearts for your thoughts and prayers for the affected areas, despite the pandemic’s impact on our lives. March 2021 marked the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, as well as the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Peace Boat Disaster Relief Centre (PBV). We would like to express our […]

Dec 2021


Typhoon Rai (Odette): Emergency Relief Fund Launched

On 16-17 December 2021, a powerful typhoon Rai (local name: Odette) made landfall in the islands of central Philippines, causing extensive damage. As of 22 December, 2.4 million people and 604,322 households have been affected and 375 lives have been lost. The full extent of the damage, particularly on the smaller islands, is still being assessed and further reports are expected once communications are restored. The Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) is in contact with multiple organizations in the Philippines to gather information at a local level. On the ground, government agencies are working to save lives and clear the area, while many international organizations and NGOs have launched emergency […]

Dec 2021


Happy Holidays 2021/2022: Looking back international projects

As the end of the year is fast approaching, Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to our donors, supporters and volunteers who have made great contributions to our activities throughout this year again. Thanks to your generous support, we have managed to continue carrying out disaster relief projects and training programs despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. Thank you very much! Looking back on our international projects this year, PBV successfully implemented various relief projects outside Japan through working alongside local organizations. At the beginning of this year, we continued our fund-raising efforts from last year to support communities […]

Dec 2021


Happy Holidays 2021/2022: Looking back domestic projects

As the end of the year is fast approaching, Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to our donors, supporters and volunteers who have made great contributions to our activities throughout this year again. Thanks to your generous support, we have managed to continue carrying out disaster relief projects and training programs despite the challenges posed by the pandemic. Thank you very much! Let us look back on this year. Our disaster response team in Chiba continued the project to support communities affected by the typhoons in 2019. This project has grown into a community-wide program to encourage people to develop […]

Dec 2021


December 2021 U.S. Tornado Damage: Emergency Relief Fund Launched

On December 10th and 11th, 2021, at least 30 tornado outbreaks were recorded in nine states in the Midwest and Southeast in the United States, including Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri and Tennessee. This tornado damage was the worst occurring in December in U.S. history, and nearly 100 people lost their lives, mainly in Kentucky. (*As of December 17, 2021, according to the Center for Disaster Philanthropy) The Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) has set up an emergency relief fund to support the local organizations to rebuild the communities affected by the tornadoes. From our experience in disaster responses in Japan and abroad, we know that the journey to full recovery will […]

Dec 2021


Year-end Clean-up? Send Your Unwanted Items and Support Charities!

Are you planning a year-end-clean up before welcoming the year 2022? Did you know that garbage collection is not the only way to get rid of your unwanted items? Today, we are introducing two companies in Japan which collect unwanted items and support a wide range of charity organizations. Otakara Aid and Arigato Bon (Value Books) offer a service to pick up your unwanted items and donate a part of the items’ cash value to Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) and other non-profit organizations. Otakara Aid collects: Unused postal stamps and postcards, DVDs, video games, musical instruments, cameras, lenses, watches and brand-name items, valid gift vouchers (such as book vouchers), […]