Nov 2012


Peace Boat support following Guatemala Earthquake

A severe earthquake of M 7.4 struck the western region of Guatemala on November 7, causing great damage throughout the region, including the loss of over 50 lives. Although more than a week has passed since the disaster, many citizens are still suffering greatly, with a total of 1.2 million people thought to be affected. A Peace Boat staff member travelled to Guatemala on November 12, 2012 to survey potential support for the relief efforts continuing in in San Pedro, San Marcos and surrounds. This visit and support is being conducted in coordination with the Guatemalan NGO CEIBA, a partner organisation of Peace Boat.

Nov 2012


Peace Boat begins disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy

The Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Centre (PBV) has dispatched two coordinating staff members today (November 12, 2012) to consider and begin potential support for the ongoing relief efforts in New York and surrounds following Hurricane Sandy.

Messages of support and donations have also been generously provided by the citizens of Ishinomaki City, expressing gratitude and solidarity in turn to the people of the United States who provided so much material and emotional support to those affected by the March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

Sep 2012


Australian volunteer Paul Bilney – in Ishinomaki four times

Mr Paul Bilney tells us, “I’m back here in Ishinomaki!”

Paul first came to Ishinomaki all the way from Australia in April last year soon after the disaster struck. A veteran international volunteer, Paul he has now joined Peace Boat’s disaster relief efforts four times, playing an important role in the reconstruction process of Ishinomaki and support of survivors.

Sep 2012


Northern Kyushu Flooding Relief Activity – Interview Report

Peace Boat provided relief activity for the flooding in northern Kyushu between 15 July – 10 August 2012, in Taketa City, Oita Prefecture. 41 volunteers (with a total of 212 volunteer working days), together with many individual volunteers, visited the local disaster volunteer center run by the Social Welfare Council (hereafter referred to as “SWC”) scooped mud out of the houses and facilities, as well as cleaned the roads and street drains.

Upon completion of the volunteer activities, Peace Boat staff member Suzuki Shoichi who was in charge of the local coordination interviewed Mr Mizuno Masaya, the head of Kujyu branch of the SWC.

Aug 2012


Kyushu Floods: Disaster Relief Activity Report

This is a report on Peace Boat’s disaster relief activities after the heavy rain and flooding in Takeda City, Oita Prefecture, Kyushu.
At midnight on July 20, 5 days after the Peace Boat advance team entered Takeda City, 9 staff members including the first volunteer team arrived at the site together with materials and equipment for relief work. They then began to meet with staff members of the local Disaster Volunteer Center run by the Takeda CIty Social Welfare Council, and launched relief efforts for mud shoveling and cleaning.

Mar 2012


Snow Shoveling Volunteer Report (Ojiya City, Niigata)

A total of 150 people joined volunteer activities to shovel snow in 30 locations throughout Ojiya City, Niigata Prefecture. This report outlines their achievements and interviews a volunteer and a coordinating staff about their experiences and the system now in place for coordination of disaster relief volunteers through Peace Boat.
Thank you once again to all those who took part and supported this project.

Feb 2012


Volunteers wanted for snow shoveling! (Ojiya City, Niigata Prefecture)

Due to an unusual cold wave, a record snowfall has been reported at various locations in Japan. In Ojiya city of Niigata Prefecture, snow shoveling operations have not been able to keep up with snow accumulation. The lives of the elderly and children in the area are in danger and such conditions are casting a burden over their daily lives.
Based on such conditions, the Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center (PBV) has started recruiting volunteers to help shovel snow!

Sep 2011


Typhoon #12 in Wakayama: Field report and call for more volunteers

Following other recent heavy rains and flooding, Typhoon #15 passed through Japan on September 21st. In Kumanogawa-cho in Wakayama Prefecture, where Peace Boat Disaster Relief volunteers are present, activities were cancelled for the time being to ensure the safety of all involved. Both local citizens and volunteers were evacuated for this time, and the damage is now being evaluated. It is clear that volunteers will need to be in place for longer than initially planned.

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