Hiroshima Landslides: PBV Emergency Response
PBV is implementing a comprehensive response, with a specific focus on supporting evacuees and affected homeowners, in collaboration with local community and government groups.
Aug 2014
PBV is implementing a comprehensive response, with a specific focus on supporting evacuees and affected homeowners, in collaboration with local community and government groups.
Jun 2014
Peace Boat is proud to announce its new partnership with the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).
We are now an official Campaign Partner of the UNISDR’s “Making Cities Resilient” campaign, an initiative aiming to make cities around the world more disaster resilient.
May 2014
Peace Boat has become an Organizing Partner of the NGO Major Group for the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (3rd WCDRR).
Apr 2014
Three years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, PBV organized a walking tour of Ishinomaki as an opportunity for volunteers to return to the seaside fishing town and observe the progress made as well as learn about the challenges that remain.
Mar 2014
Peace Boat is proud to welcome Lisa Orloff, Founder and Executive Director of NPO ‘World Cares Center’, to speak at the Tokyo Peace Boat Center on March 26th.
The New York-based nonprofit, established after the 9.11 terrorist attacks, empowers communities through disaster response coordination and delivers disaster preparedness trainings to communities both in the US and abroad.
Mar 2014
On March 11th 2014, Japan commemorates the third anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
Peace Boat and Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center would like to pay its deepest respects to those were lost on that day and to all of those who continue to be affected by the disaster today.
Mar 2014
Three years on from the disaster, PBV will conduct an English-language guided tour of Ishinomaki in order to explore the change that the city has undergone and examine the surface-level and deeper effects of the disaster.
Feb 2014
Peace Boat and Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center (PBV) would like to announce the launch of the Fukushima Youth Ambassadors: Spring 2014 Programme
Feb 2014
With the active participation of local stakeholders, PBV and partner PDRRN are distributing emergency shelter repair kits and kitchen starter kits to 1,010 households in 15 barangays (towns) on Biliran Island.
Jan 2014
JCC2015 is a network of CSOs working towards the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, to be held in Sendai in 2015. The network works in close partnership with CSOs around the world to participate actively in the establishment of the Post-2015 Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (HFA2), aims to build strong and resilient communities, and aims to share Japanese CSO’s experiences and lessons learnt with the international community.