Jul 2011


Reviving the oyster farms – for harvesting 2 years from now

Peace Boat volunteers have been assisting in the salvage and repair of ropes, buoys etc in the fishing ports from earlier, and from today also were involved in helping with oyster farming. Two days earlier, as volunteers had been helping together to salvage fishing items, the local fishermen asked Peace Boat if volunteers could also assist them – which was how they came to be involved today. Of course, it was the first time for all volunteers to be involved in oyster farming, so they were full of both nerves and excitement.

Jul 2011


New poetry book raises funds for relief efforts

A new poetry book by Welsh writer based in Yokohama Jon Mitchell has been published this week, with all sales going to support Peace Boat’s ongoing relief efforts in Tohoku. “march and after – poems from tsunami country” – chronicles life in Japan following the 3.11 earthquake, and is available in limited edition hard cover and e-book version also. See here for more details.

Jul 2011


Tokyo volunteer interview

“After I volunteered in Ishinomaki, I wanted to make sure it didn’t just end as a ‘good experience’ and I wanted to keep doing as much as I can even back in Tokyo.”
After volunteering in Ishinomaki between May 20-28, Mr Sekine Masataka is now active volunteering to support the relief efforts from Tokyo.
Many people felt that they wanted to contribute something immediately after the earthquake, and yet many people are have not been able to directly go to the disaster affected areas due to work duties or physical capacity. Peace Boat has many opportunities for such people to support the activities even from in Tokyo.

Jul 2011


Gambarou Tohoku: International Volunteer launches fundraising project

A volunteer from the UK has launched a project to sell tshirts designed by the children of Minato Primary School in Ishinomaki, with all funds going to Peace Boat’s disaster relief activities – see more details here.

Jul 2011

July 24 event: Nigerian Community in Japan Supports Disaster Recovery Efforts through Peace Boat

July 24 event: Nigerian Community in Japan Supports Disaster Recovery Efforts through Peace Boat

The Nigerian Community living in Japan raised over 2 million yen in donations, designated to be sent via Peace Boat to support the purchase of necessary items for temporary housing in Onagawa, Miyagi. On July 24 at the Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Centre in Tokyo’s Takadanobaba staff and volunteers involved in the relief efforts will gather and report about the activities.

Jul 2011


Letter from Ishinomaki: “…in the past few days the flowers have come to full bloom…”

We live in an area which received much damage by the tsunami, however thanks to the volunteers we are now able to live in our own house. The first time volunteers came, the flower bed in our garden was totally covered in mud, however by their last visit the flowers were starting to come through.
The reason that Ishinomaki is now able to be making moves towards recovery is thanks to the great energy that was given to us by the volunteers helping with the clean up. Thankyou so much.

Jul 2011


The pool cleaning is complete!

Yesterday’s post reported about volunteer activities to clean a local swimming pool of mud – which has now been completed!
Even for staff who have been in Ishinomaki for months and seen the great efforts of volunteers in many places throughout the city, it was a huge surprise to see the pool – which had been so filled with mud – cleaned in just two days.
The majority of the volunteers who participated in this cleanup effort were in Ishinomaki on the short-term programme – showing what can be achieved through teamwork in even a short volunteer stay.

Jul 2011


The start of summer – pool cleaning

Peace Boat volunteers are working to clear mud from the local swimming pool, joined together by local children and their parents, who frequented the pool before the disaster and are now looking forward to its reopening this summer.

Jul 2011


Supporting the recovery of the fishing industry – Oshika Peninsula

As northeast Japan is a major fishing area, the tsunami threatened the livelihood for a majority of the population.
In the face of having their boats and fishing areas destroyed, local fishermen and women are now facing the difficult choice of giving up their work or trying to once again continue. Upon request, Peace Boat is now undertaking efforts to help to support those who have decided to stay in the area and continue to try to fish, through helping to gather the different equipment such as nets, ropes and buoys that were dispersed and damaged by the tsunami.

Jul 2011

A letter from Ishinomaki

A letter from Ishinomaki

This is a letter from a couple in Ishinomaki thanking volunteers for their assistance in cleaning their shop as a first step towards rebuilding their lives. Thank you to all of the volunteers and to the community in Ishinomaki for their cooperation.

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