Aug 2011

Press Release: Fukushima Youth Return to Japan

Press Release: Fukushima Youth Return to Japan

August 4: Press Conference upon Arrival at Narita International Airport

49 Junior High School students from Minamisoma, Fukushima Prefecture who travelled through Asia onboard a ship organised by Tokyo-based international NGO Peace Boat will return to Japan tomorrow (August 4, 2011).

The youth ambassadors, from 6 different schools in Minamisoma (20-40 km from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant), will return to Japan having completed a 13-day journey to Viet Nam, Singapore and Sri Lanka since their departure from Minamisoma on July 23.

The students participated in exchange programmes in each of the ports of call, including meeting young victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin in Da Nang and with children who survived the 2004 earthquake and tsunami that devastated Sri Lanka. Onboard Peace Boat, which is carrying 800 participants, the students joined English conversation, music and sport programs were also held.
Hiroshima Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivor) Mr Nakamura Hiroshi (President of the Yachiyo City Atomic Bomb Survivors Committee) also accompanied the students and shared his atomic bomb experience with them.


August 4, 2011 (Thursday) 12:30-13:00 Narita International Airport Arrival Lobby
Arrival of students at 11:50 on Sri Lankan Airlines flight UL460.
Please be aware that their arrival time is subject to change due to flight circumstances.

13:30 – Press Conference on the first floor of Narita Airport Rest House “Blue Sky”
(5 minutes by car from Narita International Airport Terminal 2: inside the Narita International Airport grounds, 282-0004 Chiba Prefecture, Narita City)
Contents: Reports by several student representative, accompanying staff, Q&A.
Time for individual student interviews will also be available.
Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor Mr Nakamura Hiroshi and Peace Boat Fukushima Project Director Mr Kawasaki Akira will also be present.

14:30 (approximate) Students depart Narita by bus

19:00 (approximate) Students arrive at Minamisoma Kashima Municipal Junior High School


Peace Boat is a Japan-based NGO providing dedicated disaster relief and long-term support for the recovery of several cities in Miyagi prefecture following the devastating earthquake and tsunami of March 11.
Peace Boat is also long committed to education and advocacy efforts for a nuclear-free world.


* Peace Boat’s relief activities: http://peaceboat.org/relief
* Fukushima Youth Ambassador project information: http://bit.ly/pbfukushimalaunch
* Fukushima Youth voyage blog (Japanese): http://ameblo.jp/pbfukushimayouth

Contact: Kawasaki Akira, kawasaki@peaceboat.gr.jp / 03-3363-8047 / 090-8310-5370

For a pdf version of this release, click here