Peace Boat begins disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy
Hurricane Sandy, which devastated many coastal areas in North and Central America on October 22 2012, caused great damage throughout the region including the loss of over 100 lives on the US East Coast. Although three weeks have passed since the disaster many citizens are still suffering greatly. According to Peace Boat US staff in New York, some areas are still greatly affected by flooding, many citizens are still without electricity, heating or hot water, and restrictions on gasoline purchases and other goods in such a cold situation could potentially cause further secondary damage.
The Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Centre (PBV) has dispatched two coordinating staff members today (November 12, 2012) to consider and begin potential support for the ongoing relief efforts in New York and surrounds. Messages of support and donations have also been generously provided by the citizens of Ishinomaki City, expressing gratitude and solidarity in turn to the people of the United States who provided so much material and emotional support to those affected by the March 11, 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

Donations for those affected by Hurricane Sandy being collected by volunteers in Ishinomaki
The delivery of these messages and carrying out of these efforts will be undertaken in cooperation with Peace Boat’s sister organisation in New York, Peace Boat US, and other local community organisations. Further detail of this project will be announced on the Peace Boat, Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center, and Peace Boat US web sites as soon as confirmed.
Donations for hurricane relief efforts can also be made securely online via Peace Boat US here. As a 501(c)3-registered organization, all donations are tax-deductable in the United States.
For methods for donations from Japan, please see the Japanese web page here.