Apr 2024


Earthquakes in Taiwan: PBV Emergency Relief Fund Launched

On April 3, 2024, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck off the coast of Hualien City in Taiwan, shaking a wide area with a strong tremor of magnitude 6 or higher. According to Taiwanese authorities, more than nine people were killed and more than 1,000 injured (as of April 3, 2024). Rescue efforts are continuing as large-scale damage has occurred, including collapsed buildings, landslides, and falling rocks. There are fears that the damage may further expand in the future. Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) has begun surveying the damage through its international network and is preparing for relief activities. PBV plans to implement relief activities based on our experience and expertise […]

Mar 2024


International Solidarity in Times of Disaster: 16 Latin American and Caribbean Ambassadors in Japan Visit the Disaster-Affected Noto Peninsula

On March 19, 2024, 16 Ambassadors to Japan from countries of the Group of Latin America and the Caribbean (referred to as GRULAC) visited disaster-stricken areas of the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, hosted by Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV).   This visit was realized through the strong determination of the Ambassadors to directly convey messages of solidarity along with relief supplies to the victims of the Noto earthquake, which occurred on January 1. The delegation included Ambassadors of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico (representative), Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. Peace Boat has long cooperated with members of GRULAC […]

Mar 2024


Online Exchange with Ukrainian Refugees in Romania

More than two years after the Russian full-scale military invasion of Ukraine, approximately 80,000 Ukrainians are still displaced in neighbouring Romania. On 14 March, in cooperation with Peace Boat Center Tokyo, we organised an online exchange event connecting young people in Tokyo with displaced Ukrainians living in Romania. The event was hosted in Romania by Notorious Learning Projects, our local partner who coordinates the support centre for displaced persons “Dobra Hata” in the city of Cluj-Napoca. There, the centre provides Romanian language classes and distributes daily necessities. Connecting online, the young people were able to learn about each other’s daily lives and culture, writing each other’s names in Japanese and […]

Mar 2024


13 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: Coordinating relief to make support tangible

March 11, 2024 marks 13 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake. We remember all those lost to this disaster, and express our sincere condolences to all families impacted. March 2011, in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. Shortly after the Ishinomaki City Disaster Volunteer Centre was set up, staff of the Peace Boat Disaster Volunteer Centre (PBV) were set up in a corner receiving a constant stream of telephone calls. “We can serve 1,000 curries, but where should we go?” “‘I want to organise a soup kitchen, can you tell me if water and electricity are working, and what the situation is like in the affected areas?” At the request of […]

Mar 2024


2 Months On: Continuing support for the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture

Two months have now passed since the January 1, 2024 earthquake which struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. We convey our condolences to all those affected. Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) entered the area immediately after the disaster, and has since been working together with local organisations, relevant agencies and relief groups to gather information and carry out relief activities. Timeline following the Disaster January 2: PBV dispatches several staff to the area January 3: Launch of provision of hot meals and distribution of relief goods January 4: Distribution of relief goods January 5: Provision of hot meals Please see this report for details on initial activities carried […]

Feb 2024


Wildfires in Central Chile: Emergency Relief Fund Launched

Wildfires began in at least four spots on February 2, 2024, and have been burning across parts of central Chile, particularly in the regions of Valparaíso, O’Higgins, and Maule resulting in casualties and damage. The authority referred to the wildfires as the worst catastrophe to hit the country since the earthquake of 2010. According to the Chilean National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (SENAPRED), at least 112 people have lost lives following the wildfires. The worst-hit areas include Complejo las Tablas- Reserva Lago Peñuelas. In addition, the media has reported approximately 200 missing people in and around Viña del Mar City (Valparaíso).  (source: ECHO, 5 Feb 2024). Peace Boat Disaster […]

Jan 2024

Photo: Shoichi Suzuki

Ishikawa Noto Earthquake English Info Session with Focus on Volunteer Activities

Almost one month has passed since the earthquake in the Noto region in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. The damage was extensive, with the loss of more than 230 lives, 43,000 houses damaged, and 10,000 residents still in evacuation centers (as of 29 January). Civil society organizations, including Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV), have been working closely with local governments, relevant agencies and aid organizations to provide necessary assistance to the affected population. While tireless efforts to help those in the communities in Noto continue, a couple of local volunteer centers started their activities to respond to the local needs. PBV, together with Social Innovation Japan and NGO Peace Boat, will hold […]

Jan 2024


Report: English language information session, 2024 Ishikawa Noto Peninsula Earthquake Emergency Relief

Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV), together with Peace Boat, hosted an English language information session on January 14 about emergency relief following the New Year’s Day earthquake which struck the Noto Peninsula area of Ishikawa Prefecture on January 1, 2024. As of January 13, 220 people lost their lives as a result of the disaster, and the full damage is not yet known. Strong aftershocks are still occurring frequently, and local residents are still in a very challenging situation. This session was organised to share with the international community in Japan and beyond updates from the situation on the ground, PBV’s aid activities, and information about how people can support. […]

Jan 2024


2024 Ishikawa Noto Peninsula Earthquake Emergency Relief: English language Information session, Jan 14

At around 4:10pm on January 1, 2024, an earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula area of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. We express our deepest sympathy to all affected by the earthquake. The damage is enormous, and the full scale of the disaster and extent of the damage remains is as yet still unknown. Strong aftershocks are still occurring frequently, and local residents are still in a very challenging situation. Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) entered the impacted area immediately after the disaster, and has been coordinating with local organizations, relevant agencies and aid organizations to collect information, assess needs, and provide emergency support. PBV will hold an information session in English language […]

Jan 2024


From the field: Noto Ishikawa Earthquake Relief

“I hadn’t realised how important it is for things to be warm – something to eat, to wash your hands, bathe, and a place to sleep.” These words were shared with us by a local resident. Today, we distributed hot meals at Tada Elementary School in #Suzu City amidst lingering snow. The menu included Chinese-style rice bowls, beef bowls, curry and miso soup – a total of 200 meals. Thanks to the cooperation of the people at the evacuation centre, the service was done very smoothly. We will continue also tomorrow. As the cold winter days continue, we hope that even a moment of warmth will help the stressful situation […]

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