Jan 2024


Initial Response Report: 2024 Ishikawa Noto Peninsula Earthquake Emergency Relief Underway

At around 4:10pm on January 1, 2024, an earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula area of Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.

We express our deepest sympathy to all affected by the earthquake.

The damage is enormous, and the full scale of the disaster and extent of the damage remains is as yet still unknown.
Strong aftershocks are still occurring frequently, and local residents are still in a very challenging situation.
We are making all efforts to support those affected, ensuring their personal safety and assisting them in getting through these difficult, cold days.

Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) entered the impacted area immediately after the disaster, and has been coordinating with local organizations, relevant agencies and aid organizations to collect information, assess needs, and provide emergency support. Below is a summary of the current situation on the ground and our initial response.

January 1, 2024
Disaster struck → launch of emergency relief fund

We began information gathering immediately after the earthquake struck, and in response to the extent of the damage, established an emergency relief fund.

2024 Ishikawa Noto Peninsula Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund

In May 2023 the Noto region was also hit by an earthquake of magnitude 6.3, and Peace Boat Disaster Relief carried out relief activities following. Based on the experience and connections from this time, we immediately began coordination with relevant agencies and prepared to dispatch our staff to the area.

January 2:
Dispatch of staff, arrival to affected area

Staff from Toyama, Gifu, Tokyo, Saga and other parts of Japan headed toward the area.

From the PBV Tokyo office, the team loaded up generators, gas cylinders and other supplies early in the morning and departed. While monitoring road conditions, the safest route possible was taken to head to the area.

From the PBV Saga Office in Kyushu in western Japan, we also loaded supplies on our truck and departed for Ishikawa Prefecture.

The teams arrived in Ishikawa Prefecture, amid cracked roads with snow on the side. Staff members who rushed to the area from different parts of Japan came together to conduct an initial assessment of both the damage and the situation of support for those affected. In collaboration with local organisations and other relief groups, PBV is considering and making plans for meeting the local needs.

January 3
Provision of hot meals, distribution of emergency supplies

In Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture, the water is still cut off and cold rain was falling steadily.

From 9am, Peace Boat Disaster Relief assisted local community members in providing hot meals in front of a local fish store, Kawabata Sengyo. The menu of the day was a freshly cooked Chinese-style rice bowl. After preparing the food we began to serve meals from 12:00 noon. In two and a half hours from then, 250 hot meals were provided.

In Suzu City, we distributed emergency supplies to local residents.

Of the 6000 households in Suzu, it is reported that 4000-5000 are no longer able to continue living in their homes. Staff members went to several locations to distribute supplies (generators, portable gas stoves, gas cylinders, food, body warmers etc) including designated evacuation centres, voluntary evacuation centres, and people sleeping inside their cars.

The most common challenge voiced by local residents was the shortage of fuel, including water and gasoline. In evacuation centres, stockpiled items are reaching their end, and so almost all items are in short supply. Adding to this situation is the fact that in many areas there is still no telephone connection, and so people are unable to access information.​

Peace Boat Disaster Relief planns to continue to provide emergency supplies including food and body warmers in Suzu City.

As aftershocks continue, the impact is feared to be prolonged.

In the two days following observation of the largest earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6, there have been more than 500 aftershocks larger than 1 on the Japan Meteorological Agency Seismic Intensity Scale. The tremors continue to occur many times during the night, making it difficult for both survivors and supporters to sleep. In addition, due to poor signal conditions, it is challenging to disseminate local information.

The full extent of the damage is as yet unknown.

Long-term support and recovery activities are expected to be necessary.


Thank you for your generous support.

Since immediately after the disaster, we have received encouraging support from many people, both in Japan and from abroad.

We understand that many people are distressed and concerned about the severe disaster early in the New Year. In order to ensure that the support generously shared is delivered appropriately to the affected areas, Peace Boat Disaster Relief is coordinating with relevant relief groups, local organisations and government authorities to assess needs to plan and implement and timely assistance programs while providing emergency relief. More updates will be shared on the PBV Facebook, LinkedIn, and websites.

Donate now through credit card payments, money transfer, Benevity, Give 2 Asia, or Yahoo! Japan internet donations.

Thank you for your continued cooperation to help us support those in challenging conditions.
