May 2024


PBV’s Relief Efforts in Noto Continue: Relief supply distribution center in Suzu

Almost five months have passed since the devastating earthquake in the Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa prefecture. Peace Boat Disaster Relief (PBV) dispatched the members immediately after the disaster and has been working in two teams on the ground since then.

In Suzu, a city located in the northernmost part of the peninsula, the PBV team has been working closely with the local authorities to carry out diverse support activities to support the affected residents. One of the relief activities led by the team is regular relief supply distribution at two locations in the city. The team sets up a distribution point three times a week, and hands out various items donated by the supporters of PBV. 

While some of the affected residents started moving into the newly built temporary housing, many are still living in their own houses despite the damage caused by the earthquake. One of the main challenges they face is the lack of running water at home. As the earthquake damaged the water pipes and drainage systems in a large part of the city, many of the residents are not able to access clean water as of now. Due to the lack of running water, they are not able to drink water from the tap, cook meals at home, do laundry, take showers or flush toilets. Therefore, the most sought-after items by the residents are bottled water and disposable toilet kits*. 

“I came all the way to receive the toilet kit today. I contacted the company to fix the drainage system, but we don’t know when they can come”, one of the residents told us when receiving the items. 

The distribution points do not only provide items but also offer space where the residents can sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee for free. Sometimes, hot meals are also provided by different voluntary groups coinciding with the goods distribution. After the residents receive the necessary items, they spend some time at the space and enjoy meeting their old neighbors and friends and having a chat over coffee or lunch before going back to their damaged homes. The residents are living life with enormous challenges and uncertainty, but PBV brings them smiles and peace of mind even for a short time through the relief efforts. 

We seek your continued support for our relief efforts in the Noto peninsula. 


*Emergency toilet kit comprises plastic bags and chemical powder that absorbs the odor and moisture of the waste.