Mar 2013

Two Years On

Two Years On

Today marks two years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami and the subsequent nuclear disaster.

Peace Boat and the Disaster Relief Volunteer Centre would would like to express our deepest sorrow and condolences for all those who suffered losses and continue to be affected by the disaster.

We have dedicated the past two years to efforts to support the survivors as they struggle to rebuild their lives. These activities have been made possible thanks to the warm welcome and cooperation of our local partners in Tohoku, all of the hardworking volunteers, and the countless support which has been provided from both within and outside Japan.

Each time we visit Tohoku, we realise the many ongoing problems faced by the local communities. Today, commemorating the second anniversary reminds us of just how long there is still remaining on the road to recovery.

It is important to continue to consider what each and every one of us can do to make a difference. Considering the lessons learned from the experiences of the past two years and with the cooperation of all of our partners, we pledge to continue the relief efforts, and respond as we can to the precious lives that were sacrificed. Furthermore, we will continue to move forward and make efforts to create a more resilient society, based on the philosophy that “it takes people to support people.”

Takashi Yamamoto
Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center