Jan 2016


Youth Disaster Resilience Leadership Training

On 30th and 31st January 2016, PBV co-organised the TOMODACHI Disaster Resilience Leadership Training Program at Haneda Airport’s Galaxy Hall venue, in partnership with TOMODACHI Initiative and Japan IsraAid Support Program (JISP).

Thirteen youngsters from different parts of the Kanto and Tohoku regions (all alumni of TOMODACHI Initiative’s programs) gathered for the 2-day intensive training program, which focused on disaster preparedness, disaster relief volunteerism, stress management, and providing psychological support to disaster survivors.


As well as receiving intensive training from experienced trainers, the diverse group of participants each brought with them their own experiences and knowledge, and were able to share these through interactive discussions and workshops.

Not only did the participants build strong ties with one another during the course of the program, they were also divided into 3 groups (participants from Fukushima, Miyagi/Iwate, and Kanto), and jointly developed tangible action plans to implement in their own communities going forward.

The TOMODACHI Disaster Resilience Leadership Training Program built capacity of TOMODACHI alumni in areas crucial to disaster resilience, helped to connect young leaders with a similar vision, and encourage collaboration going forward.

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Participants’ Reflections

“I learnt how to manage myself in stressful situations and how to feel more prepared for future disasters. I think this was a very unique opportunity, and I feel that I can apply many of the things that I learnt over the course of these two days to my every-day life.”
– N. Yamazaki, Female Student 

“I have friends who were affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, and I wanted to do something to help. Through this training program, I have learnt different ways in which I can help and feel confident that I can make a difference”.
– K. Yamamoto, Male Student

“We learnt about different ways to help people affected by disasters. One thing that made a big impression on me was the idea of diversity within disaster-affected populations. There are many different people who have different needs, and we all need to work together to help one another.”
– M. Sato, Male Student