Peace Boat is a Japan-based international NGO which promotes peace, human rights, and sustainability. Established in 1983, it holds Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (UN). Peace Boat carries out its main activities through a passenger ship that travels the world. Working in partnership with UN SDG Action Campaign, Peace Boat’s activities onboard and in port empower participants, strengthen local capacity for sustainability, and build people-to-people cooperation beyond borders. The voyages, run on a social business model, blend sustainable tourism, lifelong learning and friendship activities with educational programmes, cooperative projects, and advocacy. Please see Peace Boat’s website to learn more about our voy ages, activities and projects.
Peace Boat US is a non profit organization and committed campaigner for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), working to build a culture of peace and sustainability. Through education programs, Peace Boat US seeks to empower youth from the United States and around the world by providing them with opportunities to learn about ongoing global issues such as climate change, environmental degradation and poverty, considering how to achieve sustainable development through creative solutions. They pursue these objectives through global educational programs, cooperative projects and advocacy, providing participants with experience in grassroots peacebuilding efforts that foster non-violent, creative, and constructive, sustainable solutions, from local communities to global advocacy networks. The mission of promoting and advancing the UN SDGs is a key part in all these activities. Peace Boat US connects people across borders and coordinates their educational programs from their New York-based office and on board the Peace Boat, their Japan-based partner organization.