Mar 2014


Third Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

On March 11th 2014, Japan commemorates the third anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.

Peace Boat and Peace Boat Disaster Relief Volunteer Center would like to pay its deepest respects to those were lost on that day and to all of those who continue to be affected by the disaster today.

In commemoration of this anniversary, Ishinomaki survivor Yoshinobu Bandai offers his reflections on his experiences in the immediate aftermath and the years following the Great East Japan Earthquake.

“Today marks the 3rd anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. On March 11th 2011, the mega-disaster made a profound and lasting impact on the lives of countless people not only in Japan, but across the world.

As a survivor reflecting on these past years, the passage of time since that day seems distorted; time has passed so quickly and yet agonizingly slowly at the same time. It feels like yesterday, yet reflecting on everything that has happened since, a decade could easily have passed.”

As we continue to work with local residents towards the recovery of the Ishinomaki area, our thoughts and prayers are always with those whose lives were touched on this day three years ago.